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Pristine Power - triptych - Total height 60 inches X width 90 inches

In the Middle Ages water was considered green.Today, water is considered blue, the color of immortality and infinity. Water is light and airy, fragile and precarious, powerful and awe inspiring.  The transparency and ephemerality of water gives it the ability to capture light and reflect it.

 Stains on Our Conscience  - Height 42 inches X width 52 inches

Aesthetics and conscience collide in painting as nowhere else in contemporary art. Fauvism nurtured us into accepting the pictorial anomaly of a red river.Now, the beauty of these images and their real meaning might place us in a state of confusion. Metal mining and smelting stain the land and the waterways just as our disregard for the plight of others stains our lives like a birthmark.


Melted Floe   -  height 42 inches  X width 52 inches

As the ice melts the world’s 22,000 polar bears are dying as their habitat is decreased and they are forced to swim ever increasing distances between floes.   

The loss of ice to open water decreases the amount of the sun’s rays that are reflected back into space and accelerates the warming of the oceans.

Worlds Apart I  -  height 44 inches X width 54 inches - black floating frame

So Far Apart - height 54 inches  X width 44 inches  - black floating frame

So far apart - yet worlds draw so nigh

Liquid Ice – Height 42 inches X width 52 inches

Summer temperatures in the Arctic are 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than 40 years ago, resulting not only in the melting of the ice but, more significantly, the disintegration of the ancient ice shelves, enabling the glaciers behind them to surge into the sea with a speed startling to scientists.   If the West Antarctic IceSheet (which is presently contained by the Ronne and Ross ice shelves) melts,it would raise sea levels 23 ft. worldwide  Perennial sea ice, which 25 years ago covered an area of the Arctic the size of thecontinental United States, has since lost as much as would cover New York,Georgia and Texas combined.   Scientists predict that the summertime Arctic will be ice-free before the end of this century.

Tension - Height 52 inches X width 42 inches

I met a man who wasn't there .... the tension between what the eye sees and the mind fills in.


Solar Heat - Height 42 inches X width 52 inches

The burning heat of the sun is the enemy of water, parching the earth when rains fail, but its golden energy may be focused for the benefit of mankind.
